Cincinnati Office
PHONE: 513-412-3481
TOLL FREE: 800-427-7212
FAX: 513-412-3482
Providence Office
PHONE: 401-421-3763
TOLL FREE: 877-395-1031
FAX: 401-453-5847
Exchanges of Real property located outside the U.S. are like-kind for purposes of the like-kind exchange rules under 1031. Property located in the US Virgin Islands and Guam is considered to be in the United States.
If you are a resident alien, such as a green card holder, sale of property overseas will be subject to U.S. taxation unless you treat the transaction as an exchange. U.S. Corporations doing business overseas that are taxed on their income through Subpart F can defer their income taxes due on the sale of foreign real estate.
Reverse Exchanges are very difficult to affect outside the U.S. due to restrictions on U.S. nationals owning foreign sites real estate. Give yourself plenty of time to affect this type of exchange because very few, if any, overseas advisors have ever heard of Section 1031 exchanges, including branches of U.S. professional services entities. They will assume that this is another tax scam that you have cooked up. It takes time to establish Bank accounts and decide what currency the proceeds will be held in.
If you are subject to taxation on foreign real estate assets, a foreign exchange is right for you.
Call our office at (513) 412-3481 or toll free at (800) 427-7212; our exchange coordinators are ready to discuss whether this type of exchange is right for you and how to get started. You may want to have your project details handy when we discuss your potential Foreign Asset Exchange.