October 1, 2017
U.S. retail mall vacancies up 8.3 percent in third-quarter: Reis
The national vacancy rate for neighborhood and community shopping centers was flat at 10 percent.
September 28, 2017
U.S. Growth Starts to Help More People, But Wealthiest Win Most
Fed’s triennial survey finds broader gains in incomes, wealth; Top 1% of families take record 23.8% share of income
September 27, 2017
New Tax Framework Released, Questions On Details Remain
The new proposal does not explicitly address the elimination or preservation of Section 1031.
September 21, 2017
Tax Reform Progress
The Senate is more crucial this time because the House still hasn’t found a majority for its budget resolution
September 19, 2017
IRS Announces All Of Georgia Now Eligible For Disaster Tax Relief
The IRS will work with any taxpayer who lives outside the disaster area but whose records are located in the affected area.
September 18, 2017
Playing Russian Roulette With The U.S. Housing Finance System
Treating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as two large cash cows for federal spending leaves them financially vulnerable to failure.
September 13, 2017
US poverty rate back to pre-crisis levels
"They reflect the impact of sustained job growth and the help safety net programs provide to low-income families trying to grab the next rung on the ladder"
September 12, 2017
Tax Relief for Victims of Hurricane Irma in Florida
The IRS automatically identifies taxpayers located in the covered disaster area and applies automatic filing and payment relief.